Friday, April 25, 2008

I Have A Compulsive Need To Have The Last Word

So because I'm really OCD about answering people's comments/wall posts/texts/letters/eulogies I thought it necessary to create this post. Some people have left me comments on here...OK only 4 but that still counts as "some," and I came up with funny responses to them but had no way of sharing them. Except with one person but that doesn't count because unless you read her blog and her comments too you'd never have seen mine. So without further ado here are my clever responses to your merely adequate comments (but keep them coming!).

Carly: Yes, the tape beat you. Get over it. Do I need to write down the track list to further illustrate my point? Nothing
could compete with this ultimate mix!

Missy: You have no idea how proud I am that my blog will be a factor in distracting you from your work and may be the reason all your years of hard work will have been for n
othing. It's been a dream of mine.

Jon: We are the two most awesome people this planet has ever seen. Of course we liked the same scenes, they were the best! Because we said so.

Ashley: It still makes me smile whenever you let your hopes for humanity's intelligence get a little too high only to be savagely beaten down and left bloodied when people act like retarded baboons. I smile and shake my head and think "see, that's why she'll just never be as awesome."

So keep those comments coming and I'll keep responding to them in the only forum available to me. Because I have to.

blog later tonight so keep checking! Also, Lost is back and I've never been happier!

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